Obey Giant Journals

My history with Obey Giant dates back to around 1994 when my friend Buster came back from a college break and gave me a little glow in the dark sticker.

Andre The Giant – Has a Posse

“You can do this Shields,” he said to me. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time, but I stuck that sticker on the foot of my bed post and stared at
it night after night after night. Finally it clicked – “Yes, I can do this!”

I began making stickers, then coresponding with Shepard to learn more (via mail – no email then). Then moving on to cut Andre Stencils in exchange for giant boxes of T-shirts, stickers and posters, which I would then sell and post (Mostly between DC and Richmond, VA in and around 94 – 96).

(((Shields – Post Pics of Journal Mocks  You  Made Here)))

Early 2001 I sent Shepard a letter proposing an idea for some Obey Giant Journals. I was running my own greeting card and journal design business so was in heavy production of my own work in this format.  I hadn’t heard back from him, so wasn’t exactly sure what he was thinking until a 6-8 huge boxes arrived on my door step.

In total I think we must have made around 2000 limitted edition journals which were then sold online via ObeyGiant.com

Journals were 70 unlined pages with heavy duty cardboard cover and double top wire binding.

Four different covers
Included Obey stickers, signed by Shepard Fairey

$18 / Large Journal (10″ x 7.5″)
$13 / Small Journal (7.5″ x 4.75″)

We also did a series of small pocket sized journals in addition.
Here are some of the designs below of the larger journals.




FOR SALE on PoshMark